Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oscar Wilde said that 'work is the refuge of people who have nothing better to do.' Apparently God thinks I have better things to do.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." -- Confucius
I’m trying, Confucius, I’m trying!
Good grief, but job hunting is brutal. BRUTAL, I tell you! I have even gone for an interview for a part time retail position for $8.00 an hour (RETAIL!) and wasn’t called back with a job offer. And when I say ‘part-time’ I mean fluctuating anywhere between 8 – 20 hours per week. Yeah. That’d be lucrative. Still, the no-call-back thing didn’t do much for my already low, kicked-in-the-teeth, thwacked-on-the-head-repeatedly-with-a-bag-of-rocks self-esteem.
Now don’t get me wrong, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with retail, but come on. It doesn’t take a flipping Master’s Degree to sell craft supplies to hordes of frenzied women who’d think nothing of trampling each other to death to be first in line to fill their shopping carts with 12x12 sheets of scrapbooking paper on sale for twenty-five cents apiece, or skeins of Red Heart Yarn on sale for $1.99 each to appease their latest, crafters version of G.A.S. (that’s “Gear Acquisition Syndrome” for all of you who don’t speak musician-ese) Not only am I incredibly bright (and exceptionally humble, as we’ve already established) but I’ve been a crafter/scrapbooker for many years. The only thing I can possibly think of that could have made the woman decide against me is that I’ve never used the Cricut machine. (It's a scrapbooking tool.) Come on, really? Everything else was very positive and we got along great. Or so I thought. *sigh* Ah… whatever. I didn’t really want to work there anyway. *blows raspberry*
Honestly, for someone who likes to change decor as often as I do (which translates to switching out accessories at an alarming rate) if I’m going to work retail, I’d MUCH rather work at Pier 1. I can’t think of a better place to get an employee discount! (please ignore the drool dripping down my chin) I just discovered there’s a position open in a nearby store, so I applied. I got a form e-mail this morning thanking me for my interest in Pier 1, letting me know they’d review my resume and would contact me within the next two weeks if they’re interested in interviewing me.

However I have an interview in the morning at Rotmans for part time office help, so even though I know I’d love the perks of working at Pier 1, if I had a choice between the two I’d rather get the office job. In addition to the fact that working in an office is the way I'd rather go career-wise, the hours are perfect. (M- F 9:00 am to 2:00 pm)  With those hours I’d be able to put in an hour and a half to two hours every afternoon in the Animal Rescue League office after getting out of work, and I wouldn’t be too tired to put in some major volunteer time on the weekends too. Win/win/win. (“Ask yourself, "If all jobs paid $2 an hour, what job would I want to do?" When you answer that question, start doing it, even if you have to do it for free at first” --Greg Aldrik)
Argh! For the love of friggin’ corn, I just need someone to take a chance on me! No, I haven’t had a job in a while (my husband has been supporting us), but I’m warm, friendly, smart, quick on the uptake, cute as a button (right? I’m cute! Say I’m cute!), and any business’d be lucky to have me. Seriously though, I think I’d be a great addition to any business/office. I get along great with pretty much anyone and work very well with others. (There’s no “I” in “team”, folks! Rah-rah-sis-boom-bah!) I’m moving into my own apartment in a month, so needless to say, I’m praying like a crazy person and sending out resumes left and right.
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -- Milton Berle


Where did I put that hammer?

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