After months of job hunting, sending out COUNTLESS cover letters and resumes, going on quite a few interviews (having left with the impression that I nailed each one), a friend tipped me off a couple of weeks ago to a job opening at his place of employment (a private college not too far from my new apartment). Figuring there was NO way I could ever get it, I figured I'd apply anyway. Couldn't hurt, right? The worst they can do is say "no", and I've gotten pretty used to that.
However, a couple of days after submitting a cover letter and resume, I received a phone call. They wanted me to come in for an interview. Quite frankly I was shocked (given the stature of the College), but I figured they were probably bringing me in merely because they think highly of my friend. Determined to do him proud, I went to the interview and put my best foot forward. While there, I found to my surprise, that I felt very comfortable. The atmosphere was professional yet friendly, and I genuinely liked the people I met with. So much so I found myself praying, asking God if just maybe this could please be the one for me, but afraid to hope for such a thing at the same time.
Later, the day of my interview, I had just come home, sent off a "thank you for the interview" e-mail, kicked off my shoes and collapsed on the couch when the phone rang. It was the woman who had called me about the interview. She apologized for the request being so last minute, but she wondered if I could come back the next day to meet with HR and the President of the College. After setting things up, I pulled up information on the College President on the internet. Wow. He is VERY impressive and I was a little nervous about meeting with him. Here was this guy with all sorts of degrees and experience in advanced educational settings. What could I, a simple housewife and mother, possibly say to him to make myself stand out from the other applicants? (to the best of my knowledge, he was meeting with all four of the potential candidates for the position)
Deciding that the best course of action was to just be myself and hope that was enough, that's what I did. I went in there and answered the questions he put to me honestly. However, even after reminding myself that he puts his pants on one leg at a time like everyone else, I was still a teensy bit nervous from the moment I walked into his office. (he is rather awe inspiring) I actually drew a blank when he asked me what book I'm currently reading! (I remembered the author's name, but not the book title - good grief! Who does that?)
So anyway, one of the three women I interviewed with told me on the side that it was unanimous - that I was their first choice. (I was so stunned and humbled that I almost broke down crying on the spot.) But this was before my meeting with the President of the College, so I don't know if my meeting with him helped me or hurt me. They were supposed to have called my references at the end of last week (one of my references informed me that she was called, but I haven't heard anything from any of the others) and they're conducting a (criminal) background check. That was supposed to have been started last Wednesday afternoon. It's now Tuesday again. (how long does a CORI check take? I have no clue.) My first interview was a week ago today. If I get the job I'm supposed to go into HR at noon tomorrow to do paperwork so I'll get my first paycheck on time, and my first day will be Monday, June 20th. That's "if" I get the job.
So far, there's been no word either way. (and I'm constantly checking my "business" e-mail account for a "Dear Lauren, thank you for applying, but..." e-mail) If I don't get the job, I start job hunting again in earnest on Monday morning so I'm going to spend my lunch break on today. (I'm painting furniture, sorting and packing for the move to my new apartment on Saturday. Egad! So. Much. Work.)
I got incredibly excited about a job I applied for a couple of months ago (see the entry: "Running with Scizzors") and was absolutely devastated when they hired someone so quickly that I didn't even get a chance to interview. I can't let that happen again. I simply don't have the emotional resources right now to withstand another severe letdown like that. Hear that, self? No excitement this time! So as much as I would LOVE this job, unless I actually get a job offer, I'm just going to assume I didn't get it. I know that sounds cynical, but I think I'm being practical. There's nothing I can do about it either way. I did my best and now it's out of my hands. All I can do is just pray that if this is the job for me, I'll get it. If not, I have to believe there's something better out there for me. It's hard to imagine a better job than this one, (and there's no way I could find better people to work with!) but I have to believe.